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Profile Levels


Any and all who have visited Eotera at least once and registered to be a part of this world receives this insignia. A symbol of how great it is being a little strange and that being a Stranger is a sign of one in need of a warm welcome.


A tourist is a Stranger that is no longer too unknown in the world of Eotera. This individual has made it a point to interact with the locals and might even be a frequent visitor to various places. One becomes a Tourist after 50 unique interactions in the forums or comment sections.


The Explorer is a Tourist that has delved deep into the hidden treasures of Eotera and learned as much of the world as they can. A true Explorer prides themselves on knowledge gained, experiences had, and mettle tested. One becomes an Explorer after 150 unique interactions and after passing the Knowledge of Eotera Quiz.

Resident Alien

You’ve filled out your documentation and chosen a place to live! Eotera is happy to have you. Obtained after 300 interactions, passing the Knowledge of Eotera Quiz, and completing your Biography Details for Immigration Approval.

Citizen of Eotera

You might be an Alien, but they’d never know! You are indistinguishable from any native-born Eoteran and literally wear it as a badge of honor. Requires 1000 interactions, passing all quizzes, “Canon Enough” Seal of Approval on Biography Immigration Forms, and at least 1 Item of Cultural Significance contributed to the world of Eotera.

Patron Badges

Space Cadet Badge

Space Cadet Badge

For $5 Patrons
Space Colonel Badge

Space Colonel Badge

For $15 Patrons
Space Captain Badge

Space Captain Badge

For $30 Patrons
Space Commander Badge

Space Commander

For $55 Patrons

Activity Rewards

Purple Star

Someone likes what you did. You got a Purple Star! Good job. Everything’s better with purple.

Maiden in Disguise

Is given to the most active members of the Maiden in Disguise comic community. Show your love for MiD, and maybe you’ll get one, too!